Rose gardens are a rewarding effort. Starting and tending a rose garden involves considerable work and dedication. However, do not be overwhelmed by the task, and do make sure that you consult as many knowledgeable friends and resources as possible -- books, nurseries and gardeners. Roses live for years and years and will come back bigger and better every year with the proper care.
You should begin by spending your winter reading as much about roses as you can. Assess your garden size, measure your hours of sunlight and match rose varieties to your unique circumstances. This way, you can begin your soil preparation when spring comes. It is best if you can plant roses in the spring because the roots will be nice and deep before the cold weather begins.
It is recommended that you look for the hardiest rose species you can find and grow them in your rose garden. Usually, these rose varieties have gorgeous red blooms, so the beauty of your garden will not be compromised by the simplicity of the rose. As your garden evolves and your knowledge grows, you can add other colors and more delicate varieties, perhaps even miniatures and mixed breeds.
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Make sure you understand soil, climate and sunlight requirements before you plant your roses. Roses generally need a fair amount of breathing room, so make sure you have enough space for the varieties you are choosing. Be aware of fertilizing techniques, including organic, to keep your garden healthy and beautiful. Understand how to water and feed your roses' roots as well. Maintaining a rose garden is typically easier than planning one, and the time you invest initially will pay off in the end!
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